Library Managment Sytem

library managment sytem

LMS is a complete Library Management System for managing the day to day operation of the library with ease of use.


Books Management

With Books management, here you can see a list of books and add or import books with the following fields including Book items that are the actual physical books. One Book can have multiple copies and you can define your book items while creating a book or can manage it from Book View.

Book Circulation

By the Book Circulation module, we made an easy to Issue a Book to members and get a return. Also, Members, themselves can Reserve a book for a specific period and then can get it issued physically by visiting the Library.


All the members of the Library can be managed via the Members module. Where you can create/update/delete members including disabling the existing members.


Books can be divided into different Genres based on Categories like Biography, Fiction, Non-Fiction, etc. Genre has a very simple two fields,

* Name - Name of the Genre
* Description - Description


Authors are real book authors. You can Create/Update/Delete Authors.

* First Name - First Name of Author
* Last Name - Last Name of Author
* Description - Author Description


One Book can have multiple copies from Different publishers in different languages and editions. You can manage all your Publishers here.
The publisher has only fields

* Name

Book languages

Manage your different Languages of Books here.

* Name - Language Name
* Code - Language Code


In user modules, the Library can create all his Staff Members including Librarian, Admin and other people with the specified roles.

Roles + Permissions

LMS comes with specific permissions by which you can create different roles based on your needs and can give those roles to different Users.

Book Series

Some Books can have series and different parts. Like Part-1, Part-2 etc. You can create a series of Books by a very easy and impressive drag and drop interface.

* Title -- Book Series title
* Book Series Items
1. Sequence - Sequence of Book 2. Book - Book